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A Purple welcome to you all!

Hey guys! So here I am!

The amount of times I promised myself that I would start a blog over the years and what did it take to start one...?? A GLOBAL PANDEMIC! I mean seriously!!

However, im glad that I have finally started one. Here you can you will be able to get to know me just a little more. I have a lot to say believe it or not **sigh**

As much as I love singing for a living and as much as I have singing and music to thank for getting me as where I am today, i've had a lot of ups and downs .....and round and rounds in my massively 'Purple world'....

Here I will be sharing just a little more than - 'my voice' in the singing world, and will be sharing more of 'my voice' as far as my heart, my history, and even the reason I love purple, and also a bit about my mental health journey and so much more.

My aim is just to be open and share with you all, in the hope that it will help others in any way possible.

I hope you enjoy getting to know me more.

Purple love (Will explain that to soon! - lol )

Phebz - MWAH!

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